Lockmasters can give you access to all Medeco restricted keyways. Please call for more information.
Lockmasters also has its own distributor X4 keyway for you.
Why you might want a restricted keyway:
Solving UNAUTHORIZED Key Duplication Issues
In many instances, a Business Manager, Board of Directors/Trustees, Security Manager, CEO, or even a homeowner may want to consider issuing a key to someone and limiting the ability to have that key replicated. There are many solutions to combatting the issue with unauthorized keys copies. The list below has solutions from least costly (and least secure) to those that provide a truly Secure System.
Little more than a warning, keys marked as such may still be duplicated by locksmiths and certainly by any of the key machine kiosks that are found in most home improvement stores. The ‘Do Not Duplicate’ stamp is simply a mention to the keyholder not to have it duplicated. Even the wording may be covered or defaced to those wanting to avoid acknowledgement of the issuer’s intent.
Government Keys Stamped DO NOT DUPLICATE
Unlike the above situation, keys with a ‘Property of … Government Do Not Duplicate’ are protected by the law and likely will not be copied by a reputable locksmith. That said, no automatic key vending machine will check a stamp and if the blank is available, the keyholder can acquire a duplicate key.
Distributor Restricted Keys
Many wholesale distributors offer their own restricted keys. These systems are using obscure keyways or custom key sections made for that distributor. The blanks are then issued to those locksmiths having a contract or, perhaps, a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’. These key blanks will not be found on the internet or at the key vending machines at hardware stores. Duplication of keys is limited to locksmiths but may not require much from the person wanting to get a copy of the key. In some cases, it is simply asking and then paying for the copy.
Factory Contract Controlled Programs
Key restriction as handled by a lock manufacturer will substantially increase the end user’s security. These programs will range from the issuance of a keyholder card to keeping signatures on file at the originating locksmith/security center. In all cases, these keys are handled by legal contracts between the manufacturer and distributor or locksmith. Anyone requiring a duplicate key will need to present identification indicating that he is authorized to have a key copied. Another advantage of this type of program is that it allows the end user to audit his key system at any time, as records are maintained by the issuing locksmith.
Factory Restricted Systems
Considered the highest level of key-control, these keys may only be duplicated by the manufacturer and only with the proper authorization (e.g. notarized letter). The end user will need to order a copy of a key through an authorized distributor or lock center. This is not the solution if someone needs a duplicate key withing a matter of minutes but is extremely secure.
Electronic Keys
Keys that utilize electronic encryption and programming offer the end user the ability to control the issuing of keys on-site. The encryption allows the key to be programmed to certain locks and – with most systems – allows the key to operate within a specified time-period. As the keys are programmed to certain locks/doors, it limits the vulnerability of the system: If a key should get lost, it can be deleted from the system without having to re-key any of the locks.
Medeco invented a unique locking principle using angled key cuts and the elevation and rotation of special pin tumblers to provide millions of different key combinations. Precision machined with the highest quality components that meet and exceed quality and security standards A156.5, A156.30 and UL437, Medeco high security mechanical locks and cylinders are made with pride in the U.S.A. When you purchase a patented keyway, you can be assured that noone else can make an unauthorized key to operate your customer's locks.